Meet The Coven: Brande - Book Junkie
Why I blog about books: At first I felt that I needed to catalog my thoughts on some of the books that I wrote. I had played around a little with some of the other book blogs and my passion for it grew from there.
I have met some really great people and had the opportunity to read some fabulous books! Including some great authors!
It truly amazes me every day as I update my blog, the great responses that I get from the people who read my blog, it just fuels the desire to do a better job. Besides, it keeps me sane in this crazy life, it is my release and besides my little man, it's what puts a smile on my face every day to be a small fry and a part of a very cool and very large book blogging community.
More about Brande:
Sunrise or sunset?: Sunrise
Coffee or tea: Definitely coffee
What's the one book you read over and over and over again as a kid/teenager?: Sleeping Beauty Chronicles by Anne Rice
Out of all the books you've all read, which one sticks out in your mind the most and why?: She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb, it broke my heart
What is/are your favorite genre(s)?: Paranormal romance
Do you have a favorite young adult (YA) series?: Harry Potter/Vampire Diaries
If you could only read one book for an entire month, which book would it be?: J.R Ward's #4 in the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series (Butch's Story), Lover Revealed
Where do you like to read?: At home, on the couch, in my favorite corner
What is your one literary guilty pleasure?: Erotic love scenes!
Which is the most dangerous - a vampire, a unicorn or a lion, and why?: Vampire, at least the ones I read about and envision what a vampire to be, dangerous, addictive, and seductive. Nothing is more dangerous then a seductive vampire who can take your blood and your heart
Do you have any favorite television shows?: Life (love, love, love Damian Lewis from Band of Brothers) and I am a PBR fan (my husband is horrified and confused at the same time by this one! Cowboys on bulls, what is sexier!)
What would your dream job be?: International food critic
What’s your favorite quote for today?: Ugh...Monday!
If you could be one heroine in any book, who would you be?: Claire Sharp from And Able by Lucy Monroe. She is clever, vulnerable and just a beautiful person on the inside, and that goes a long way with me.
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