Take Five series: Nov.1-30, 2011 - All posts

Take Five
Five-minute reads about writing
to help you with NaNoWriMo
Nov. 1 - Nov. 30, 2011
Courtesy: Sasha Soren (Random Magic)

About Take Five

The Take Five series broadcasts from Nov. 1-30, 2011 to coincide with National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, offering quick, five-minute reads about writing every day, to help people make it through their writing projects.

The Take Five series is curated by writer Sasha Soren, the author of Random Magic. Every day during NaNoWriMo, you'll be able to read a new post on writing that'll hopefully help and inspire you, and give you energy to complete your NaNoWriMo plans.

Some tips will be offered by Sasha Soren, and other tips will be included from elsewhere, but they will all be useful in some way, and geared to help you solve problems, refuel and recharge, and make it through NaNoWriMo in one piece. These won't be long features, just quick five-minute tidbits on writing, so you'll have an excuse to take a break.

Share some love

If you'd like to include a link to this page, which will feature all Take Five posts, so you can provide access to posts to any of your blog visitors, feel free to include the sidebar badge on your blog and then just link to this page.

Commit to your writing

If you'd like a little extra push, feel free to take the two-hour daily writing pledge below and stick a reminder badge on your blog so you'll see it every time you feel like slacking off, instead.

I pledge to write for a minimum of two hours every day in November 2011, during NaNoWriMo. I can write for more than two hours, but not less.

Then keep your promise to yourself. Best of luck!

Take five. Help is here.

***** All posts for Take Five series listed below *****

Additional things to check out - but only after you're done with your writing for the day!

Browse: Random Magic, by Sasha Soren